Monday, September 17, 2012

iPhone 4S Vs. iPhone 4 Camera Test / 720p / Split Screen

iPhone 4S Vs. iPhone 4 Camera Test / 720p / Split Screen Tube. Duration : 4.67 Mins.

Want more video like this? Tell us here: Today, we're going to take a look at how the iPhone 4S matches up with the iPhone 4 in a series of videos. This video is being uploaded in its raw and unedited format straight to YouTube. This video features a split of the center 50% from each camera. The iPhone 4 is on the left while the iPhone 4S is on the right. Here are some facts about this video: Source ----------------------------- Format: iPhone 4: H.264 iPhone 4s: H.264 Resolution: iPhone 4: 1280 x 720 iPhone 4S: 1920 x 1080 Audio: iPhone 4: AAC, 44100 Hz, Mono iPhone 4S: AAC, 44100 Hz, Mono FPS: iPhone 4: 27.62 iPhone 4S: 27.91 File Size: iPhone 4: 375.7 MB iPhone 4S: 855.8 MB Data Rate: iPhone 4: 10.53 Mbit/s iPhone 4S: 23.96 Mbit/s Note(s): The iPhone 4 appears to do less depth of field during filming than the iPhone 4S. Both the iPhone 4 and 4S require manual focus adjustments by the person taking the video as the subject moves closer or further away. No adjustments were made during the shooting of this video. Audio on the iPhone 4 appears to be noticeably more muffled than that of the 4S. Due in part to a lower video resolution, the iPhone 4 shot video at a data rate that is below half of the iPhone 4S. This means you'll need double the available storage space on the phone when shooting video on the 4S. The iPhone 4S includes a more dramatic built-in image stabilization feature. You'll probably notice a clear difference between the two videos, even though they ...


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